Restful Web Service Interview Questions

Restful Web Service Interview Questions

Q: What is differences between RESTful web services and SOAP web services ?
A: Though both RESTful web series and SOAP web service can operate cross platform they are architecturally different to each other, here is some of differences between REST and SOAP:
1) REST is more simple and easy to use than SOAP. REST language is based on use of nouns and verbs (better readability)

2) REST uses HTTP protocol for producing or consuming web services while SOAP uses XML.
  • The SOAP WS is transport protocol neutral. Supports multiple protocols like HTTP(S),  Messaging, TCP, UDP SMTP, etc.
  • The REST is transport protocol specific. Supports only HTTP or HTTPS protocols.

3) REST is lightweight as compared to SOAP and preferred choice in mobile devices and PDA’s. REST does not need XML parsing, no message header (to and from), hence less bandwidth

4) REST supports different format like text, JSON and XML while SOAP only support XML.
  • The SOAP WS permits only XML data format.You define operations, which tunnels through the POST. The focus is on accessing the named operations and exposing the application logic as a service.
  • The REST permits multiple data formats like XML, JSON data, text, HTML, etc. Any browser can be used because the REST approach uses the standard GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE Web operations. The focus is on accessing the named resources and exposing the data as a service. REST has AJAX support. It can use the XMLHttpRequest object. Good for stateless CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations.

GET – represent()
POST – acceptRepresention()
PUT – storeRepresention()
DELETE – removeRepresention()

5) SOAP based reads cannot be cached. REST based reads can be cached. Performs and scales better.

6) Different error handling:
REST: requires HTTP error handling
SOAP: can have user defined error

7) REST only supports synchronous  message because of its reliance of HTTP and HTTPS

8) SOAP WS supports both SSL security and WS-security, which adds some enterprise security features like maintaining security right up to the point where it is needed, maintaining identities through intermediaries and not just point to point SSL only, securing different parts of the message with different security algorithms, etc.
The REST supports only point-to-point SSL security. The SSL encrypts the whole message, whether all of it is sensitive or not.

9) The SOAP has comprehensive support for both ACID based  transaction management  for short-lived transactions and compensation based transaction management for long-running transactions. It also supports two-phase commit across distributed resources.
The REST supports transactions, but it  is neither ACID compliant nor can provide two phase commit across distributed transactional resources as it is limited by its HTTP protocol.
10) The SOAP has success or retry logic built in and provides end-to-end reliability even through SOAP intermediaries. REST does not have a standard messaging system, and expects clients invoking the service to deal with communication failures by retrying.

Q: What is REST and RESTful web services?
A: This is the first REST interview question on most of interviews as not everybody familiar with REST and also start discussion based on candidates response. Anyway REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer (REST) its a relatively new concept of writing web services which enforces a stateless client server design where web services are treated as resource and can be accessed and identified by there URL unlike SOAP web services which were defined by WSDL.
Web services written by apply REST Architectural concept are called RESTful web services which focus on System resources and how state of Resource should be transferred over http protocol to a different clients written in different languages. In RESTful web services http methods like GET, PUT, POST and DELETE can can be used to perform CRUD operations.

Q: What is difference between top-down and bottom-up approach of developing web services ?
A: In top-down approach first WSDL document is created and than Java classes are developed based on WSDL contract, so if WSDL contract changes you got to change your Java classes while in case of bottom up approach of web service development you first create Java code and then use annotations like @WebService to specify contract or interface and WSDL field will be automatically generated from your build.

Q: What happens if RestFull resources are accessed by multiple clients ? do you need to make it thread-safe?
A: Since a new Resource instance is created for every incoming Request there is no need to make it thread-safe or add synchronization. Multiple clients can safely access RestFull resources concurrently.

Q: What will you do when an error code has to be returned to the client
Q: How will you handle application error scenarios in RESTful web service?
Q: What is a web service? 
A: Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over the Web (Internet). The W3C defines a “Web service” as “a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network”. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically Web Services Description Language, known by the acronym WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XMLserialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards.”

Q: Can I use GET request instead of PUT to create resources? 
A: No, you are supposed to use PUT or POST. GET operations should only have view rights.

Q: What is meant by JAX-WS and JAX-RS?
A: Java API for XML Web Services(JAX-WS)
Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)

Q: What are the different application integration styles?
A: There are a number of different integration styles like
1. Shared database
2. batch file transfer
3. Invoking remote procedures (RPC)
4. Exchanging asynchronous messages over a message oriented middle-ware (MOM).

Q: What are the different styles of Web Services used for application integration?
A: SOAP WS and RESTful Web Service

Q: How would you decide what style of Web Service to use? SOAP WS or REST?
A: In general, a REST based Web service is preferred due to its simplicity, performance, scalability, and support for multiple data formats. SOAP is favored where service requires comprehensive support for security and transactional reliability.
The answer really depends on the functional and non-functional requirements. Asking the questions listed below will help you choose.
  • Does the service expose data or business logic? (REST is a better choice for exposing data, SOAP WS might be a better choice for logic).Do the consumers and the service providers require a formal contract? (SOAP has a formal contract via WSDL)
  • Do we need to support multiple data formats?
  • Do we need to make AJAX calls? (REST can use the XMLHttpRequest)
  • Is the call synchronous or  asynchronous?
  • Is the call stateful or stateless? (REST is suited for stateless CRUD operations)
  • What level of security is required? (SOAP WS has better support for security)
  • What level of transaction support is required? (SOAP WS has better support for transaction management)
  • Do we have limited band width? (SOAP is more verbose)
  • What’s best for the developers who will build clients for the service? (REST is easier to implement, test, and maintain)
Q: What tools do you use to test your Web Services?
A: SoapUI tool for SOAP WS and the Firefox “poster” plugin for RESTFul services.

Q: What is the difference between SOA and a Web service?
A: SOA is a software design principle and an architectural pattern for implementing loosely coupled, reusable and coarse grained services. You can implement SOA using any protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, JMS, SMTP, RMI, IIOP (i.e. EJB uses IIOP), RPC etc. Messages can be in XML or Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).
Web service is an implementation technology and one of the ways to implement SOA. You can build SOA based applications without using Web services – for example by using other traditional technologies like Java RMI, EJB, JMS based messaging, etc. But what Web services offer is the standards based and platform-independent service via HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI, thus allowing interoperability between heterogeneous technologies such as J2EE and .NET.

Q: Web services when you can use traditional style middle-ware such as RPC, CORBA, RMI and DCOM?
A: The traditional middle-wares tightly couple connections to the applications and it can break if you make any modification to your application. Tightly coupled applications are hard to maintain and less reusable. Generally do not support heterogeneity. Do not work across Internet. Can be more expensive and hard to use.
Web Services support loosely coupled connections. The interface of the Web service provides a layer of abstraction between the client and the server. The loosely coupled applications reduce the cost of maintenance and increases re-usability. Web Services present a new form of middle-ware based on XML and Web. Web services are language and platform independent. You can develop a Web service using any language and deploy it on to any platform, from small device to the largest supercomputer. Web service uses language neutral protocols such as HTTP and communicates between disparate applications by passing XML messages to each other via a Web API. Do work across internet, less expensive and easier to use.

Q: What are the different approaches to developing a SOAP based Web service?
A: Following are the two approaches.
  • The contract-first approach, where you define the contract first with XSD and WSDL and the generate the Java classes from the contract.
  • The contract-last approach where you  define the Java classes first and then generate the contract, which is the  WSDL file from the Java classes.
Note: The WSDL describes all operations that the service provides, locations of the endpoints (i.e. where the services can be invoked), and simple and complex elements that can be passed in requests and responses.
Q: What are the pros and cons of each approach, and which approach would you prefer?
Contract-first Web service
  • Clients are decoupled from the server, hence the implementation logic can be revised on the server without affecting the clients.
  • Developers can work simultaneously on client and server side based on the contract both agreed on.
  • You have full control over how the request and response messages are constructed — for example, should “status” go as an element or as an attribute? The contract clearly defines it. You can change OXM (i.e. Object to XML Mapping) libraries without having to worry if the “status” would be generated as “attribute” instead of an element. Potentially, even Web service frameworks and tool kits can be changed as well from say Apache Axis to Apache CXF, etc
  • More upfront work is involved in setting up the XSDs and WSDLs. There are tools like XML Spy, Oxygen XML, etc to make things easier. The object models need to be written as well.
  • Developers need to learn XSDs and WSDLs in addition to just knowing Java.
Contract-last Web service
  • Developers don’t have to learn anything related to XSDs, WSDLs, and SOAP. The services are created quickly by exposing the existing service logic with frameworks/tool sets. For example, via IDE based wizards, etc.
  • The learning curve and development time can be smaller compared to the Contract-first Web service.
  •  The development time can be shorter to initially develop it, but what about the on going maintenance and extension time if the contract changes or new elements need to be added? In this approach, since the clients and servers are more tightly coupled, the future changes may break the client contract and affect all clients or require the services to be properly versioned and managed.
  •  In this approach, The XML payloads cannot be controlled. This means changing your OXM libraries could cause something that used to be an element to become an attribute with the change of the OXM.
Q: So, which approach will you choose?
A: The best practice is to use “contract-first“, and here is the link that explains this much better with examples –>  contract-first versus contract-last web services In a nutshell, the contract-last is more fragile than the “contract-first”.  You will have to decide what is most appropriate based on your requirements, tool sets you use, etc.
Q: What is the Caching mechanism that a RESTful service would provide?
A: As RESTful service uses HTTP as transport protocol, it can leverage caching
features from HTTP specification as well.

HTTP 1.0 specification has Expires header that can be used to indicate ways
to client side for the appropriate caching intentions of server.
HTTP 1.1 specification however has more caching related features to choose from.
These are in form of various directives used along with header such as Cache-Control.

Q: What are those comma separated directives of Cache-Control header?
A: The comma separated directives of Cache-Control headers are
private, public, no-cache, no-store, no-transform, max-age, s-maxage.

Q: What are the differences between no-cache, and no-store directives used along with Cache-Control header?
A: no-cache can be set in response in order to inform client/browser that this response
should not be used for caching content and any of the cache data should not be sent to
server without revalidation from server.

While no-store is to inform client/browser as not to store any data in response in local
hard disk of the machine that is used for sending the request.

In case of no-cache, one can use data with revalidation, but in no-store that is no ways
any data can be retrieved locally from the hard disk and data won't be available when machine
if restarted.

Q: If any intermediary proxy is not used to server any response to client's request, is there any difference between private and public directives of Cache-Control?
A: No, as private directive may be used to restrict cahing at proxy/CDN server that could
be some intermediary destinations while serving response.

Q: What is the difference in usage for the s-maxage and max-age directives?
A: s-maxage may be used for the proxy/CDN server to know that this is the directive
for as maximum age for the data that is sent as response.
While max-age is used as a directive to the client as the maximum age for the data
that is sent along with response.

Q: What are the various annotations available from JAX-RS api specification, for sending data from client-side to service endpoint?
A: JAX-RS has provided various annotations for passing data from client-side code
to service are @PathParam, @FormParam, @MatrixParam, @QueryParam, @HeaderParam, @CookieParam.
These annotations are also known as Injection Annotations from JAX-RS API.

Q: How to inject Web container related values and configurations to the JAX-RS service implementation instance
A: This is how I would answer  this question
There is an annotation @Context provided by JAX-RS specification for the REST service
Implemntation to be able to receive helper and web container specific configuration values.

Q: Can you write-down an example of MatrixParam expression?  
A: For example, for the following URI:

@MatrixParam("age") would return 34 as value, as matrix param precedes with a ';' as

Q: Are you aware of @BeanParam annotation?
A: Yes, @BeanParam annotation is added in JAX-RS 2.0 version. This annotation can be used
along with a Bean class for using other annotation types such as @FormParam, @HeaderParam etc.
as the field level, for using an application specific bean class as argument in the service
method, rather than using a long list of argument parameters for each of the different type of
attributes used along with a request.

Q: Can you elaborate on usage of @BeanParam with an example?
A: Suppose there is a HTML form with ten fields/attributes that is used to receive input from user,
and this data/fields are to be submitted to the service method, then the REST service method would
require to define all the ten attributes as arguments for the service method along with @FormParam
annotation. Instead @BeanParam can be used to declare an application/user defined bean class with
all these ten attributes as fields. This user defined class can be a single argument to the REST
service method argument. This way there could be minimal impact when number of fields changes while
using POST as HTTP method.

Q: How to approach for change in attributes to the service method in a Web Service?
A: In order to minimize change/impact on the client side of code, when there is a change in
argument parameters of the service method, one can choose to use user defined bean class
as argument to service method, rather than using all the arguments directly in the service
method definition. In this way, if there is a need for addition or removal of any attribute/argument
from the service method, no change to the service method definition would be needed.

Q: What are the major differences you can state while using SOAP or REST, in terms of applicability as concern?
A: Some of the differences that may be observed in applicability of SOAP or REST as the
service language/specification :

1. When requirement is to provide a business process as a service, then SOAP may get
   little more attention than RESTful services.
2. When we are exposing a server side object as many different type of representations
   for the client, such as JSON, TXT, XML, Audio, Video and many more (HTTP content types)
   etc. RESTful services can be used/more appropriate than SOAP.
3. In case of contract/interface based service definitions are to be used, then SOAP can be used.
4. In case of exposing a service for any type of devices, be it Desktop/Laptop/Netbook, Tablet,
   Mobile phones, Kindle etc., and consumer can be a browser (Thin client) or a native application
   (Thick client). In this circumstances we can opt for RESTful services.
5. In case of many different types of transports are to be used for using a service, then SOAP would
   be appropriate over RESTful service.
6. For looking for standards-based service declarations and usage, SOAP has many standards to use,
   such as WS-* standards. Whereas RESTful services would be a specification way of exposing and
   using any service.
7. Looking at slightly more technical aspects of SOAP, SOAP supports custom objects definitions using
   XML Schema and marshalling/unmashalling of various datatypes to communicate across diverse platforms.
Q: How can you apply security to RESTful services  
A: Some of the options available to use for securing a RESTful service, for now, are
1. Basic Authentication
   This type of Authentication will require transport level encryption(SSL), as user
   credentials are to be sent via wire in plain text.
2. OAuth 1.0a / OAuth 2.0
   OAuth 1.0a is using advanced encryption for passing token for authentication purposes.
   OAuth 2.0 is using SSL for transport level security.
3. Custom/Third-party security protocol
Q: What is the main factor to consider while choosing OAuth version to use, whether to use OAuth 1.0a or OAuth 2.0?
A: The main reson is the sensitivity of the data that is exchanged, and transport level security related considerations. If the application data is less sensitive, the OAuth 1.0a could be well enough for use, and OAuth 1.0a specification can be applied without much of encryptions on transport. But OAuth 2.0 would rely on HTTPS transport level security/encryption for communication.

Q: What are the various credential types used along with OAuth 2.0?  
A: There are three types of credentials available to use along with OAuth 2.0, such as
Bearer Token, MAC token, SAML.

Q: What are the HTTP methods corresponding to CRUD operations?
POST   - Create
GET    - Read
PUT    - Update
DELETE - Delete

are the corresponding HTTP method used for CRUD operations with resource(s).

Q: Can you write a very simple code showing resource being exposed as RESTful service?
public class Book {

  public Book getBookInfo(@PathParam("id") String bookId) {
      //return Book Instance by using value bookId.
      return new Book();

Acessing this Book resource by using an URI as <<WEB_APP_NAME>>/book/b001

Q: What are the annotations that can be used for specifying content-type that is supported by any RESTful service?
A: @Produces("text/xml") and @Consumes("text/xml") are the annotations that are used for specifying
ways of defining any restrictions that can be defined at method-level for any RESTful service.

For using JAXB supported XML to Custom-object and Custom-object to XML mapping/conversion, along with RESTful service, what are the annotations those can be used along with custom object?

@XmlRootElement, @XmlElement, @XmlAttribute, @XmlAccessorType etc., are the annotations from JAXB

Q: Can be used along with custom class for defining class, field level fields.
A: As @FormParam can be used for passing form parameters in request, but in case parameter set is likely to change (parameters can be added or removed), then how to insulate RESTful service method definition from change?
A: MultivaluedMap<String, String> type can be used to define argument parameter for the RESTful method
signature for passing key and value pair in request.

Q: Is there any ways to provide custom/own JAXBContext for marshalling/unmarshalling XML to Object
and vice versa, rather than using default JAXBContext as available with JAX-RS provider?

A: Yes,  by implementing class file that implements ContextResolver<JAXBContext> and overriddes
public getContext (Class<?>) method for returning custom implementation of JAXBContext.

Q: Have you used Jersey framework or any other implementation for JAX-RS specification?
A:Jersey Framework can be used along with web container that is having support for JAX-RS
or not. Where as any web container that has support for JAX-RS specification, can be used
to provide a resource as RESTful web service.

Q: Is there any ways to code so as to provide HTTP headers to a method in the main RESOURCE class file?
Yes, by using @Context as argument type for the method that is exposed as REST uri.

 public void getValue(@Context HttpHeaders headers) {

Q: Have you used Maven to generate Jersey based RESTful services? if yes, how?
A: I have used a archetype from Maven repository, called as 'jersey-quickstart-webapp', for generating a web application, just to start head's up on using Jersey for creating RESTful services.

Q: Can you be able to provide certain context-level parameters in web.xml, and receiving parameter value in the resource method?
A: One can define context parameter in web.xml file and corresponding value of the parameter
in the resource method, by using @Context annotations with instance level variable of
ServletContext type.

Q: What are the headers types from HTTP request, those can be used for mapping same URI but different resource methods?

A: One can use Accept, Accept-Language, Accept-Encoding, Content-Type with appropriate values
for mapping same URI but different methods. Appropriate method would be called that is
receiving corresponding values in form of those headers, in the HTTP REQUEST.

Please keep visiting this page... as more questions will be added here,
as and when available.

Q: Is that any ways to approach so that changes(addition/deletion) in the form-level parameters would not have impact on the Resource method signature/arguments

A: One can explore<Object, Object> and its implementations for providing ways to pass form-level POST parameters and corresponding values. This way additions and deletions won't effect method signature to some level.

Q: What is the encoding media type associated with a FORM data? application/x-www-form-urlencoded is the media type of the FORM data
A: As per JAX-RS specification, what are the corresponding annotations used for various HTTP operations,such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD etc.?

A: Various annotations for these operations are for HTTP GET Operation for HTTP PUT Operation for HTTP POST Operation for HTTP DELETE Operation for HTTP HEAD Operation

Q: For an example, if the requirement is to retrieve all the books in a library and the result would be in
XML format, how would you write a code for this in simplest form, or just write the Java class that does this mapping ?
A: The main class file would have to have a Path configured, here I shall show this using annotations,
public class LibraryDemoService {
  //Then I shall provide a method with public as access modifier and with appropriate annotations
  //such as GET and Produces
  //GET for making this method ready to receive any HTTP GET method request and Produces denotes that
  //this method would return a result in Text/XML as return type.

  public String retrieveAllBookInLibrary() {
      return "<books><book></book><books/>"; //or any other ways of forming the actual return result

Q: In the code that you have just written, can you add a separate method for retrieving a selected book with a ISBN code?
A: Sure, we can add another method with a path for book and a parameter for ISBN code, may be something like as shown below,

public String retriveBook(@PathParam("isbnCode") String isbnCode) {
    return "<book></book>"; //or any other ways of forming the actual return result